12/20/2024: New art, liveblog update, and small QOL fixes.
12/17/2024: Last update before I consider this site no longer a WIP! Finished the gallery, added a picture of myself to my about, and added buttons and more links and a sitemap.
12/13/2024: Links are finished enough for now.
12/11/2024: Gallery is now mobile responsive!!
12/10/2024: Added a button for my site in the About the Site section. Check it out.
12/09/2024: Some more little content changes, but more importantly, I added a new guestbook and the liveblog has comments now! No more BBS!!
12/08/2024: If I changed the layout again would you be mad at me? Be honest.
12/05/2024: Added the links page and links galore. I'm not done and it's honestly a mess, but I'll work on it.
11/27/2024: Fixed more little things, added a poll to the gallery, changed look of site, added Now to home page. Nothing big.
11/25/2024: Added yapping section with pages dedicated to the RSS of my Bluesky and Dreamwidth, as well as the liveblog section. Along with preparations for liveblogging Angelique Luminarise, the page for shouting into the void about my favorite characters is up and running! Also changed gallery rules, fixed mobile view of drawings, and other minor visual updates.
11/22/2024: I've spent the week overhauling the look of the site. I've also added a lot to the gallery, and written bios for both myself and the site.