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The current mood of coolsocks at www.imood.com

early or mid 20s, english/bad spanish + japanese, there will be nsfw here


currently (01/22/2025)
playing: harukanaru toki no naka de (2000)
watching: nothing for now
reading: An Anarchist FAQ
doing: relaxing after coding this damn thing

i know nothing about anyone in deg01/27/2025, 02:03 (#23)

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a BL for me01/24/2025, 21:26 (#22)

very very early this morning, at 3am (before then i was playing diner dash, but the game froze in the middle of level 12), i learned about a manga i never read before called Hoshi no Yakata. well, to put it shortly, i loved it even if some kinks weren't my cup of tea

i read manga all the time, right? so, whatever. what's notable about this one that makes me want to write about it? well, i like romance and i like porn, with no care for the genders involved. so i like BL, GL, and straight manga. but the thing is, it's not really a serious thing, but i didn't have a BL manga (that wasn't a doujin) that was Mine, you know? i've read a fair amount of yaoi and none of it really made me obsessed. only fanworks really really got me.

anyways, basically this is the first not-doujin yaoi i read where i strongly felt like the sickos image while reading it. i'd say even a cursory glance makes it obvious why, but i have a hard time judging what someone who doesn't know me at all assumes about my tastes. when i showed it to my friend, i even joked that i'm the one who drew it, or that i drew it in a past life (nevermind that the creator* is still alive).

but, while i joke that i drew it... does it REALLY look like i drew it? no, not really. i guess she was able to agree because she knows my tastes, but... while i was reading, when i wasn't doing the sickos thing irl, i was wondering if my art is still pretty like this. if it looks like shoujo manga, and if people can tell that i really really like shoujo manga when they look at it. i think this is a weird worry, wanting to simultaneously draw like shoujo manga but also have my own style, since any style can be shoujo manga if it's published in a shoujo magazine or at least obviously has a story that was written with girls in mind. plus i look up to artists who don't do any joseimuke stuff at all.

and here, where i live and hang online, there's great emphasis on diversity. what this means is that if i drew everyone as pretty as hoshi no yakata draws everyone, i would feel a little bad. and maybe it's hard to tell, but there is the smallest hint of me caring about not making everyone super mega pretty in my art (ex. i could give felix lush full eyelashes, but after taking his personality into account and seeing certain people draw him i've made his eyes look less delicate). but when i look at it in isolation i'm like fuckkkk, what if the shoujo feel is gone now 😭 but maybe i'm crazy, i dunno.

but yea. hoshi no yakata. it's good. i think my favorite chapter is chapter 4, not for the incest. i need to make my art hornier STAT.

nsfw image. seriously, it's straight-up porn.

i love this panel sooo much

*i looked her up again to make sure, and turns out she's married to the bondage fairies guy 😭😭😭 it's a small world!!!

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i fucking did it01/22/2025, 06:45 (#21)

cringeblog rebrand as my microblog 完了!!!!!!!!!! the vast majority of posts will still be cringe though, worry not cringe fans

i used a lot of things as inspiration, but ultimately it just ended up looking like bootleg myspace. maybe myspace had peak user profiles? idk.

so yea... um. after all this work i put in, i don't know what else to say. i spent a week on this. hope you like it <:'3

as i write this, white snow coats the southern U.S.......... but it's not very thick at all, not where i am. i'm unimpressed, to be frank. the winter storm 10 years ago was more impressive. but still, snow is very pretty. would hate to live somewhere that has it all time! LOL

for history's sake, here's a picture of what this place looked like before i changed it all. the template is by nomnomnami.

previous layout for my microblog

and i'm writing this a little before 7 am, but i'm going to hold out on finishing it until the sun comes out... by then it'll be done snowing, and i want to attach a picture of our weaksauce snow.



concerned about metadata, i pulled out my old digital camera to take photos of the snow, but the battery is dead and i can't find the charger. i don't think i even still have it. i have a feeling my dad threw it out when i lived in a college dorm. so i used my 3ds.

but then i worried a weirdo could identify my location from the photos, so i censored the houses... haha. the photos i took with my iphone look much prettier, nearly unreal - shame i can't share them publicly. if i had a car i could drive somewhere else for photos, but that would require stepping foot on the untouched snow, and a large part of its beauty is that it's untouched.

going to be honest, i touched it a little bit. i dug my finger into it to see how deep it is. i'd say it's ~1.5 inches, about the same as the last storm.

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