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I would like it on record that I do not condone blogging like this. Please use Zonelets or Bearblog or Wordpress or Dreamwidth or Owler or Status Cafe or a static site generator or something. Anything but what I'm doing.


I could provide links, but the pages are split into groups of 10, so I believe in your ability to find the posts yourself. It's okay. I'm definitely not offloading work onto the viewers of my website because I'm lazy or anything.

Hint: The oldest page is /microblog/5000 with posts #01-#10. The second-oldest page is /microblog/4999 with posts #11-20. So on and so forth. The latest page is always /microblog/index.



Layout: I made it. It's all me. If you notice anything weird and you know web design well, don't be scared to let me know how to fix something. This is currently the best I can do.

Music player: adilene.net

Background: tumblr

Bio/footer background: flickr (backup link)

GIF of my name: pookatoo.com

All music and other images belongs to their respective owners, unless I say I made them.