in which chris finds out how haruka works
alongside normal commentary, i encourage translation corrections and commentary. i love translation
Harukanaru Toki no Naka de (2000) is an otome adventure game, the first installment in the Haruka series, the starting title for the second and longest Neoromance IP. It is the game which receives the most outside coverage and spin-offs within the series.
At the time of the game's conception Heian period based stories were receiving an explosion of popularity in the Japanese entertainment industry. Ruby Party used the trends to their advantage to create their first Japanese history based IP. Members wished for the game to keep the same simulation elements as its predecessor [Angelique] yet thought it better to include role-playing game elements which were still in high demand with the female fanbase. To further distinguish it from their first work, members sought to highlight the seasonal beauty of spring and summer through the lens of Heian aesthetics. (stolen from the Koei Tecmo Wiki)
April 24
i love this (the left) sprite. ouuugh he thinks im so stupid
April 25
and i really like yorihisa's smiling portrait in battle. couldn't explain to you why
April 26
Akane: Stop it!
› If you hurt people any further than this, I won't forgive you!
EISEN FIGHT BACK (chris: haha jk, it says "Eisen, why won't you say anything back!?")
the girls are fightingggg
(idk if translating 出家したなら like that would be accepted by a real team, but damn does it sound good. which makes me wonder if there's another way to translate 目さわり that isn't overused, like "no one wants to see your face!" or something. well, all that would probably go over the character limit of the text box.)